
DAY: Fri

DATE: 11/23/2018


ROUTE: Northwest corner of NYc. Up and down hills in riverdale, fieldston, and spuyten duyvil



NABES: riverdale, fieldston, spuyten duyvil, kingsbridge

PARKS: hackett, wave hill, riverdale park, wallenberg forest, duyvil shorefront park 



Coolest neighborhood name in NYC: Spuyten Duyvil. Dutch for Spouting Devil or Devil’s Whirlpool. MetroNorth station under the Henry Hudson Bridge and across the water from Inwood Hill Park.

Coolest neighborhood name in NYC: Spuyten Duyvil. Dutch for Spouting Devil or Devil’s Whirlpool. MetroNorth station under the Henry Hudson Bridge and across the water from Inwood Hill Park.

Train station looking west to the Hudson River and Jersey

Train station looking west to the Hudson River and Jersey

Ewen Park at the foot of an almost half-mile downhill on Johnson Ave in the Bronx

Ewen Park at the foot of an almost half-mile downhill on Johnson Ave in the Bronx

One more from Ewen Park in late Fall

One more from Ewen Park in late Fall

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